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- 0 rem **** basic v2+ demo 1 ****
- 1 rem ** by mark marzinzik **
- 2 rem **************************
- 3 dim xm(200),ym(200)
- 4 def fn x(x)=(x+1)/21*319
- 5 def fn y(y)=(10-y)/20*199
- 6 def fn y1(x)=11*exp(-.1*x)*sin(x)
- 9 rem ** netzgrafik
- 10 #colour,1,1,0
- 20 #hires,2
- 30 for x1=0 to 320 step 40
- 35 if x1=320 then x1=319
- 40 y1=(x1-160)^2/200
- 50 for x2=0 to 320 step 40:y2=199
- 55 if x2=320 then x2=319
- 60 #line,x1,y1,x2,y2
- 70 nextx2:nextx1
- 80 #text,0,0,"netz mit parabelfoermig angeordneten"
- 90 #text,1,0,"punkten (mit den befehlen #colour/"
- 100 #text,2,0,"#hires/#line)":gosub105:goto120
- 105 #text,4,1,"<taste>"
- 110 #keypress:#hires,2:return
- 120 rem ** roehrengrafik
- 130 for t=1 to 10 step 0.2
- 140 x=int(170+100*cos(t/2))
- 150 y=int(70+80*sin(t/3))
- 160 #rec,x-20,y-20,x+20,y+20
- 170 next t
- 171 #text,0,0,"roehrengrafik mit dem befehl #rec"
- 180 gosub 105
- 190 rem ** blueten-grafik
- 210 for i=50 to 100 step 5
- 220 for j=0 to 6.4 step 0.1
- 230 w=i+60*cos(7*j)
- 240 x=160+w*cos(j):y=100+w*sin(j)/1.5
- 250 if x>319 or x<0 or y>199 or y<0 then 280
- 260 if j<>0 then:#line,x1,y1,x,y
- 270 x1=x:y1=y:nextj:nexti
- 280 #text,0,0,"bluete erzeugt mit #line"
- 290 gosub449
- 300 rem ** balkendiagramm
- 301 #colour,1,1,0:#hires,2
- 310 data"1966","8.8","1970","15.0","1974","20.8","1978","25.4","1982","27.2"
- 311 data"1983","28.6","1984","29.1"
- 320 i=0:for x1=20 to 260 step 40:i=i+1
- 330 read j$(i),w$(i)
- 340 y2=170:x2=x1+20:y1=y2-2*val(w$(i))
- 350 #rec,x1,y1,x2,y2
- 360 a=x1+9:b=y1-9:c=x2+9:d=y2-9
- 370 #line,x1,y1,a,b:#line,a,b,a+20,b:#line,a+20,b,x1+20,y1:#line,x2,y2,c,d
- 380 #line,c,d,a+20,b
- 390 next
- 392 data16,2,15,8,13,12,12,17,12,22,11,27,11,33
- 400 for i=1 to 7:readz,s
- 410 #text,z,s,w$(i)
- 415 #text,22,6*(i-1),j$(i)
- 420 next
- 430 #text,7,8,"s u b v e n t i o n e n"
- 440 #text,8,8," des bundes in mrd dm"
- 445 #text,0,0,"balkendiagramm mit #rec/#line/#text"
- 446 gosub105:goto500
- 449 rem ** unterprogramm farben aendern
- 450 #text,1,1,"*** mit tasten 1/2/3 koennen die farben":r=1:h=1:z=0
- 457 #text,2,1," geaendert werden ***"
- 458 #text,24,0,"tippe <4> um weiterzumachen"
- 460 getx$:ifx$=""then460
- 461 ifx$="1"thenr=r+1:ifr=16thenr=0
- 470 ifx$="2"thenh=h+1:ifh=16thenh=0
- 480 ifx$="3"thenz=z+1:ifz=16thenz=0
- 485 ifx$="4"thenreturn
- 490 #colour,r,h,z
- 491 goto460
- 500 rem ** kreisdiagramm
- 510 data"ostblock","32","japan","38","westeuropa","103","usa","155"
- 511 data"sonstige","32"
- 520 #circle,162,100,50:c=0
- 525 #circle,162,100,15
- 530 for i=1 to 5
- 540 readl$(i),z$(i)
- 550 b=(val(z$(i))/360)*2*(NULL)
- 560 c=c+b
- 570 x=162+50*cos(c):x1=162+15*cos(c)
- 580 y=100+50*sin(c):y1=100+15*sin(c)
- 590 #line,x1,y1,x,y
- 600 next
- 610 #text,12,19,"360"
- 620 data11,23,15,22,15,17,9,17,13,23
- 630 fori=1to5
- 640 readz,s:#text,z,s,z$(i)
- 650 nexti
- 655 data10,27,18,24,16,4,5,16,13,27
- 660 for i=1to5:readz,s:#text,z,s,l$(i):nexti
- 670 #text,22,4,"installierte universal-computer"
- 680 #text,23,13,"1982 in mrd dm"
- 685 #text,24,12,"(insgesamt 360)"
- 690 #text,0,0,"kreisdiagramm mit #circle/#line/#text"
- 700 gosub105
- 710 rem ** kurvendarstellung
- 736 c=fnx(0):d=fny(0)
- 740 #line,fnx(0),fny(10),fnx(0),fny(-10)
- 750 #line,fnx(0),fny(0),fnx(20),fny(0)
- 760 i=0:for x=0 to 20 step0.1:i=i+1
- 761 a=fnx(x):b=fny(fny1(x))
- 770 #plot,1,a,b
- 775 xm(i)=a:ym(i)=b
- 780 next
- 790 #line,fnx(0),fny(0),xm(1),ym(1)
- 800 forj=1toi-1
- 810 #line,xm(j),ym(j),xm(j+1),ym(j+1)
- 820 next
- 830 #text,0,1,"10":#text,0,7,"gedaempfte schwingung mit"
- 840 #text,1,7,"#plot/#line/#text"
- 850 #text,24,0,"-10":#text,12,0," 0":#text,13,38,"20":#text,18,26,"<taste>"
- 860 #keypress:#hires,0:#margin,14:#screen,6:#pen,1:printchr$(147)
- 861 #place,10,14
- 870 print"alles klar!":print
- 880 #pen,14:print"ich hoffe,sie haben gefallen gefunden an";
- 890 print"basic v2+ ! sie sehen, es bietet unbe-"
- 900 print"grenzte moeglichkeiten in der grafikpro-";
- 910 print"grammierung."
- 920 end